

September 15th, 2020 by yodok in cardiovascular disease, stroke

We all know someone who had a stroke. It is a serious life threatening medical condition that happens when the blood supply to part of the brain is cut off.

Stroke is considered an emergency and within seconds the person’s life may change for the worse if they survive it.

The things you notice when someone has a Stroke:

Face may drop on one side and the mouth or eye may drop on that side

Arms may have weakness and numbness. The person may not be able to lift the arm

Speech may be slurred or jumbled, or the person may not be able to talk at all even when they understand what you are saying.

There are two main types of strokes:

Ischaemic-where blood to the brain is stopped because a clot has blocked the blood vessel.

Haemorrhagic stroke -where a blood vessel supplying the brain bursts.

Conditions which increase the possibility of stroke

High blood pressure

High cholesterol


Irregular heart beats

Prevention of stroke

It is far better and easier if you prevent stroke than to treat the condition. Please let everyone focus on prevention because it could save more lives and stop the suffering of many people in our communities.

Blood pressure Control: Majority of people suffer stroke as a result of high BP. Check your BP regularly especially if you are 40 years old and above. Such a simple test could stop the death and suffering of many people in our communities. BP can be checked not only in hospitals, but also in chemists or shops. We can introduce BP checks in shops, markets, gyms, churches, mosques, or even at your places of work. It saves lives. Anybody can check your BP if they have the machine.

  • Eating healthy diet
  • Regular exercise
  • Reduce Alcohol intake
  • Stop smoking.

PREVENTION IS BETTER CURE- Stroke is one disease where this is completely true. No doubt!

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