November 21st, 2020 by yodok in conception, infertility, pregnancy
Problem with infertility is when a couple cannot achieve pregnancy even though they are having regular unprotected sex. So some people get pregnant quickly, but others take a longer time.
About 15% of couples would not achieve pregnancy in 1 year even when they having regular sex without protection. Regular sex would be when you are having sex about 3 to 4 times a week.
If you have never conceived a child in the past and you have difficulty getting pregnant, it is called primary infertility.
But if you have ever conceived in past even when it ended up with a miscarriage and you are having difficulty conceiving again, it is called secondary infertility.
Causes of infertility
There are about 30% of couples where the cause of the difficulty to conceive cannot be found. The cause of infertility can affect male or female. The common causes are
Low sperm count and poor quality semen
Lack of regular release of the egg ( ovulation)
Blockage or damage to the fallopian tubes – the tube through which the sperm travels to meet the egg.
Things that affect your chances of conceiving
Age – fertility decreases with age.
Sexually transmitted diseases – causes infertility as they cause damage to the tubes.
Weight – When you are over-weight or under-weight could cause infertility in women as it results in these persons not releasing the eggs regularly.
Smoking – can affect fertility especially in men as it could cause poor quality sperm due to the several harmful substances in the tobacco
Excess alcohol – causes low-quality sperm and affects fertility in men. Also, too much alcohol could reduce interest in sex ( libido), and causes problem with erection.
Chemicals – in pesticides, solvents, and metals we use in the home or work environments can affect fertility, especially in men.
Severe stress – can stop a woman to stop releasing the eggs or the man to lose his interest in sex and erection problem, therefore cause infertility.
Medical conditions – like diabetes, asthma, an under-active or over-active thyroid, can affect fertility in both the man and woman.
Things to do to improve your chances of getting pregnant
Couples are more likely to achieve pregnancy if they are in the best of heath they can reach.
You would have a better chance of getting pregnant if any medical condition you have is well controlled.
- Achieve a healthy weight
- Stop smoking
- Reduce alcohol intake
- Takes steps to reduce stress
- Avoid recreational drugs like anabolic steroids, cocaine, and cannabis. They affect the quality of sperm.
- Some medicines especially the chemotherapy drugs can affect sperm quality and the doctor should be able to advise you.
- Temperature around the Scrotum. The reason why the testicles are outside the body is because they need to be cooler for good quality sperm production. If a man is trying for a baby, he should avoid tight pants.
- Couples are likely to achieve pregnancy if they have sex within a day or two of the woman releasing the egg ( ovulation ). This happens usually about 14 days after the first day of her period which is the first day of her cycle.
Tests for infertility
Semen analysis-sperm examination to check for a low sperm count or to make sure sperm have good movement.
Blood tests- test for hormones level which can tell whether a woman is releasing an egg ( ovulation)
Vaginal swabs to test for infections like chlamydia which can affect fertility and the pregnancy
Ultrasound scan to check the ovaries, tubes, and the womb.
Laparoscopy and dye test to check for tube blockage. It is a small camera that is inserted into the pelvis
HSG- hysterosalpingogram which is Xray of your womb and fallopian tube when a dye is injected into the womb. It checks for blockage in the tubes.
Some treatments include
Medicine that would help make the woman to release eggs ( ovulation)
Surgery to repair the tubes, and removal of scarring the pelvis
IVF or intrauterine insemination techniques
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